Schools & Colleges » Businesses
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School 300 N. 8th Avenue West Hartley Iowa 51346 postal
Work Phone: 712-928-3406work
Work Email: pcarlin@hartley-ms.k12.ia.usINTERNET
Kids Express Daycare and Learning Tree Preschool
School 102 Prospect Street Sanborn Iowa 51248 postal
Work Phone: 712-930-5535work
Work Email: kexpress@tcaexpress.netINTERNET
School 603 W. Park Street Sheldon Iowa 51201 postal
Work Phone: 712-324-5061work
Work Email: klandis@nwicc.eduINTERNET
Work Email: dkreykes@nwicc.eduINTERNET
School 405 W. 2nd Street Sanborn Iowa 51248 postal
Work Phone: 712-729-3288work
Work Email: sanchr@sanbornchristian.comINTERNET